Current clients include 10 of the biggest U.S. REITs.

Experience Spotlight

While our team has many years of experience, the Morpho brand and structure are relatively new. So most of our clients as “Morpho Energy,” including 10 of the nation’s largest REITs, are confidential with contracted and awarded projects to be built and switched on over the course of the next year. We have several ribbon cutting scheduled for Fall 2023, and many more in the first half of 2024.

In the meantime, here is a small selection of projects completed by our leadership team in recent years. We share them to highlight our team’s strength and abilities to coordinate many disparate and often conflicting parties, such as governments, utilities, educational organizations, local community members, and the finance community, to ultimately do what we say and put successful projects in the ground.


Delivering Projects With Multiple Technologies

220kW rooftop and 400kW carport project installed with a new roof replacement and zero out of pocket cost for this SME.


Innovating Projects that Win Awards

Municipal Utility Microgrid Wins Excellence in Innovation and Sustainability Award 3.5 MW of solar, 1 MW of wind and 2.8 MW of biofuel cell generation installed across six regional water-recycling facilities managed by the Inland Empire Utility Agency.

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Transforming Community Liabilities into Clean Energy Assets

Former Continental Steel EPA-Superfund site in Kokomo, IN transformed into a 29-acre solar farm consists of 21,000 solar panels used to power 1,000 local homes. The federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a 26 page cased study titled Steel to Solar and Soccer, accessible through the link below.

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Setting Records with Largest University Campus Carport Project in the Country

The Spartan solar project covers 5,000 parking spaces over 5 parking lots. At 15MW DC it is the largest university carport project in the country, earned the Smart Energy Decisions-Onsite Renewable Energy Award and the USGBC 2018 Innovative Project Award.


Setting More Records with Largest Rooftop Tracker Installation in the World

1.3 MW DC rooftop solar array equipped with Point Load Power rooftop solar trackers. The project utilizes more than 2,900 trackers and covers 368,000 square feet of industrial real estate leased by Chiquita Brands International.

Case examples provided were completed by one or more Morpho Team members in project lead roles.


Below are Fortune 500 and other name brand clients our leadership team members including our Chief Communications Officer have guided the success of prior to Morpho Energy. We’re well accustomed to working with big and small as well as growing small things into really big things.